Pizza al Padellino is a delightful Italian dish that translates to “pan pizza.” This variation of pizza is known for its thick, airy crust and is typically cooked in a skillet or pan. It’s a perfect choice for those who enjoy a heartier, more substantial pizza experience. Here’s a simple and delicious recipe to guide you through making Pizza al Padellino at home.


For the Dough:

For the Toppings:



  1. Prepare the Dough:
  1. Preheat the Oven:
  1. Prepare the Skillet:
  1. Shape the Dough:
  1. Add Toppings:
  1. Bake:
  1. Serve:

Enjoy your homemade Pizza al Padellino – a delicious and satisfying twist on traditional pizza that’s sure to become a family favorite!

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