
Ajitsuke Tamago, or seasoned ramen eggs, are a culinary delight in Japanese cuisine. These perfectly soft-boiled eggs, marinated in a flavorful soy-based mixture, add a rich and savory touch to ramen bowls or can stand alone as a delectable snack. Let’s dive into the art of crafting these mouthwatering Ajitsuke Tamago.


  1. Eggs (6): Fresh and preferably at room temperature.
  2. Soy Sauce (1 cup): Choose a high-quality soy sauce for rich flavor.
  3. Mirin (1/2 cup): A sweet rice wine that imparts sweetness to the marinade.
  4. Water (1/2 cup): Balances the intensity of the soy sauce.
  5. Sugar (2 tablespoons): Adds sweetness to the marinade.
  6. Sake (2 tablespoons): Japanese rice wine that enhances the overall flavor.
  7. Green Onions (optional): Sliced for garnish.
  8. Sesame Seeds (optional): Toasted for additional flavor.

Cooking Process:

1. Soft-Boiling the Eggs:

2. Marinating the Eggs:

3. Serving Ajitsuke Tamago:

Tips for Perfection:

  1. Fresh Eggs: Use fresh eggs for the best texture and flavor. Room temperature eggs are easier to peel after boiling.
  2. Marination Time: While a minimum of 4 hours is recommended, letting the eggs marinate overnight allows for deeper flavor infusion.
  3. Consistent Boiling: Achieve consistent soft-boiled eggs by carefully timing the boiling process and promptly transferring them to an ice bath.
  4. Flavor Variations: Experiment with additional ingredients such as garlic, ginger, or a splash of rice vinegar to customize the marinade to your liking.
  5. Customize the Yolk: Adjust the softness of the yolk by altering the boiling time. For a runnier yolk, reduce the boiling time; for a firmer yolk, increase it slightly.


Crafting Ajitsuke Tamago is a delightful journey into the world of Japanese culinary artistry. From the careful soft-boiling of fresh eggs to the infusion of rich flavors during marination, each step contributes to the perfection of this delectable treat. Whether enhancing your ramen bowl or delighting in these marinated eggs on their own, Ajitsuke Tamago is a culinary masterpiece that captures the essence of Japanese gastronomy.

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