Ras Malai, a luxurious and indulgent Indian dessert, is a celebration of delicate flavors and creamy textures. Originating from the Indian subcontinent, this sweet dish is a favorite at festivals, celebrations, and special occasions. The name “Ras Malai” translates to “juice cream” in Hindi, and it perfectly encapsulates the essence of this delectable treat.


For the Rasgullas (Cottage Cheese Balls):

  1. 2 cups of whole milk
  2. 1 tablespoon lemon juice or white vinegar
  3. 2 cups of ice cubes
  4. 1 cup of sugar
  5. 4 cups of water

For the Rabri (Sweetened Condensed Milk):

  1. 4 cups of whole milk
  2. 1/2 cup of sugar
  3. 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  4. A pinch of saffron strands (optional)
  5. Chopped nuts for garnish (almonds, pistachios)


Making Rasgullas (Cottage Cheese Balls):

  1. Prepare the Chenna (Cottage Cheese): Heat 2 cups of whole milk until it starts to boil. Add lemon juice or white vinegar, stirring continuously until the milk curdles. Strain the curdled milk through a muslin cloth, collecting the chenna (cottage cheese). Rinse the chenna under cold water to remove any residual lemon juice.
  2. Knead the Chenna: Transfer the chenna to a clean surface and knead it for 8-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and soft. Divide the dough into small portions and shape them into smooth balls, ensuring there are no cracks.
  3. Prepare the Sugar Syrup: In a large pot, combine 2 cups of sugar and 4 cups of water. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely. Add the chenna balls to the boiling sugar syrup and let them cook for 15-20 minutes. The rasgullas will double in size.
  4. Cool the Rasgullas: After cooking, transfer the rasgullas along with the sugar syrup to a bowl. Add ice cubes to speed up the cooling process. Allow the rasgullas to soak in the syrup for at least 2 hours, allowing them to absorb the sweetness.

Making Rabri (Sweetened Condensed Milk):

  1. Simmer the Milk: In a wide, heavy-bottomed pan, bring 4 cups of whole milk to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and let it cook, stirring frequently to prevent the milk from sticking to the bottom.
  2. Add Sugar and Flavorings: Once the milk reduces to half its original quantity, add sugar, cardamom powder, and saffron strands (if using). Continue to simmer the milk until it thickens to a creamy consistency, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cool the Rabri: Once the rabri achieves the desired thickness, remove it from heat and let it cool. The rabri will thicken further as it cools.

Assembling Ras Malai:

  1. Prepare the Ras Malai: Gently squeeze the excess sugar syrup from the rasgullas and place them in a serving dish. Pour the cooled rabri over the rasgullas, ensuring they are generously coated with the sweetened condensed milk.
  2. Chill and Garnish: Refrigerate the Ras Malai for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to meld. Before serving, garnish with chopped nuts like almonds and pistachios.
  3. Serve and Enjoy: Ras Malai is best enjoyed chilled. Each bite offers a perfect balance of the spongy rasgullas and the rich, cardamom-infused rabri.

In conclusion, Ras Malai is a labor of love, requiring patience and precision. This heavenly dessert showcases the culinary expertise of Indian sweets, providing a delightful finale to any festive meal or special occasion. Indulge in the richness of Ras Malai and savor the sweet symphony of flavors that dance on your palate.

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